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Category: Blog Post

First Impressions Are Everything: 6 Tips to Improve Your Resume

So you find yourself out of work and decide that it is time to put your resume together. With a sense of urgency, you search in Google and utilize the first template that you find, inputting your employment history at the speed of light. 30 minutes pass, you save your document, and begin firing resumes…
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The Fallacy of Thin Slice Recruiting: Removing the Bias

Your organization has just revamped its recruitment methodology to better reflect their decision-making process. Much to your surprise, interviews, reference checks, and assessments have all been eliminated. In their place, candidates were scheduled for a 10 second meet and greet, where they were evaluated on their handshake, facial expressions, overall appearance, as well as brief pleasantries. Decisions were…
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Our owner’s thoughts on racism & the Minneapolis situation

Contemplating the Minneapolis situation and feeling troubled. Disturbed by the senseless brutal murder of George Floy. Disturbed by the deteriorating climate of riots, vandalism, and violence. Disturbed by a cycle that shows no sign of abating. Disturbed by the voices of some of my white peers, speaking with good intent, but no understanding. Speaking to…
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